Grainica Inc

We are majorly a trading farm with multi-faceted portfolio of products and services to serve our clients worldwide.

Professional Workers

We listen to our client's needs and work efficiently.


Grainica Inc has a powerful element of social responsibility inscribed in its' values and its' concern.

Our Important Clients

The utmos product for us is the service we provide our clients.


Who We Are

We are a federal registered Canadian firm the second largest and one of most picturesque cities in Canada. The utmost important product for us is the service we provide our clients. We always stay true to understanding the client’s pain points. We believe that our efforts are truly worthwhile when we meet or exceed clients’ expectations


Our Services

Agro Commodities

Agro Commodities

Canada is rich in natural resources which translates into a highly developed agriculture and agri-food sector.



With decades long experience in the trading industry with numerous happy clients, and partnering companies.

Metals & Minerals

Metals & Minerals

Grainica Inc trades heavy metals and minerals worldwide. The significant portions of our trade include.



Understanding your market plays an essential role in your organisation’s success. At Grainica Inc Consultancy and research



We have been providing our customers with high quality products and an extensive service worldwide for many years.



Grainica Inc has a powerful element of social responsibility inscribed in its’ values and its’ concern for the society.

State-of-the art process technology

Processing Facilities

With over 10 processing facilities located worldwide


Our supply chain benefits from the latest process management techniques and emerging technologies.

Blockchain Technology

We optimize traceability and security for every stakeholder involved.


Latest News

February 19, 2024

Food Security

Granica’s Food Secure vision is a just, healthy, and sustainable food system that honours our relationship to the earth and each other.This is built on a foundation of dialogue, policy advocacy, and strengthening the capacity of countries and communities. Seeds of our vision were planted at during 1st generation in Canada. We had been providing…

February 19, 2024

Petrochemical Arena

Nearly all respondents to the GETI 2024 report say AI will increase demand for skills, with two thirds (63%) of petrochemical professionals expecting AI to increase pressure on them to acquire new skills. Technical skills such as programming, software engineering, data science and cybersecurity are where professionals expect to see the greatest demand in the…

February 19, 2024

Precious Metals Mining

The process of mining and refining the precious metals of gold, platinum, and silver are intricate and require unique aspects depending on the metal and the desired result. Grainica Inc and its partners has been involved in Gold, Copper, silver, Aluminum, Zinc, Cobalt, Iron Ore and coals for many years. Our facilties are mostly in…


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